Nail the Workout Studio Look This Season with Athleisurewear

With athleisure fashion fully maturing since its turn-of-the-millennium introduction back in 2000, stylists, icons, and fashion-forward followers have been rocking this look for the past decade or so; and it seems this trend isn’t going away anytime soon! Gym shorts, dry-fit tees, sports bras layered with a track jacket, or even dance clothes for girls have become casualwear staples in and out of the gym!

So just how can you ladies rock this look effortlessly in dancewear without blinding anyone with oddly bright colour combinations and a sports accessory here and there? First, we’re going through popular studio dancewear styles to understand what they’re like. Then, we’ll mix and match for a style that’s all your own!

Popular Dance Genres

  • Ballet: Classic ballet dance clothes for girls and boys include leotards, tutus, and tights that are form-fitting to emphasise the body’s shape and form. These are usually white, black, blue, pink, purple, navy, or similar shades. 

Other pieces such as boleros and pants may be included for an extra layer of protection from the cold while still adhering to the conventional rule of being not too loose or baggy.

For footwear, pointe shoes keep dancers on their toes for graceful movements but can be swapped out for flats after rehearsals. 

  • Jazz: Much like their classical counterpart, jazz dancers still maintain a wardrobe of leotards, tights, fitted tops, and perfectly-measured jazz or yoga pants. Rehearsals may call for a unifying colour scheme (black), but performances allow a more colourful choice of tops and bottoms.

During performances and rehearsals, soft leather jazz shoes give enough flexibility and support for the feet. But since this style will be used for athleisure, any kind of sneaker will do.

  • Hip Hop and Other Modern Genres: Hip hop and other modern genres allow the freedom of fashion expression to move away from traditional dance styles. Dance clothes for girls and boys can range from comfortable shirts, jackets, hoodies, pants, joggers, shorts, and rubber shoes for a maximum range of movement.

Their fits can vary from loose to body fit, depending on the dancer’s preference, representing a wide range of musical genres and styles for versatility.

Blending Them for the Athleisure Studio Look

While regular rehearsal wardrobes seem doable for a walk around the mall or a dinner with friends, some dance genres need to mix and match for a complete look. Here are a few ways you can blend the above styles:

  • Ballet and Jazz Dancewear: For hot summer days, you can top off your leotard look with jazz or yoga pants, a cap, your bolero sleeves tied around your waist, and a pair of thongs, sandals, flats, or sneakers. Ensure these are in bright colours like white, yellow, or pink to not build up too much heat and keep yourself breezy. Leggings or jeggings will do, too, for a more casual style.

  • For colder evenings, You can retain the same bottoms as mentioned above (leggings, jeggings, jazz pants, or yoga pants), but ensure to cover your upper body with a bolero, sleeved leotard, or a slim-fitted hoodie. Go with flats or sneakers for fun footwear!

  • Hip Hop and Other Modern Genres: The world is your fashion oyster when playing around with modern dancewear. Leotards can be paired with open-collared shirts and bottoms of different materials and lengths (denim, polyester, or cotton pants and shorts). There is no limit to the shoes you wear, as long as they are comfortable and colour-coordinated. 

  • Refer to a colour wheel to see which shades match your completed look for the best results.

    In Conclusion

    We hope this guide has helped put together your athleisure outfit. Before heading out to dancewear stores in Australia, piece together in mind the look you’re going for so that it’s much easier to pull clothes from the shelves and style them the way you want to.

    For more options for dancewear for girls, check out Pink Lemon Dancewear today! We carry an assortment of leggings, crops, leotards, shorts, skirts, and accessories for your daughter’s dancing delight! Subscribe to our newsletter and get 10 per cent off on your first purchase!

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